
Last Updated:2014-11-05

在La Trobe University 举办的一个公开课中,芮捷锐博士拆解了习近平一系列的经济和社会改革,并探讨了这些改变对澳大利亚的影响。

"Xis reforms in many ways may be pushing on an open door, and will further extend and deepen this trend."

"One of the biggest challenges I found as Ambassador was helping Canberra keep abreast of the contemporary realities of China. Studies like Lardys should help, but it shows how far China has moved from the stereotyped view of Chinas economy as being dominated by relatively few big state-owned enterprises."

"Chinas economy still has a lot of growth left in it. And while investment and resource intensive growth will gradually decline in importance, while consumption and services take up the strain, these older sources of growth nonetheless remain important for a long time still."

"Xis Era has also coincided with one of great geopolitical uncertainty. It is a major challenge for him to position China in this new international landscape as a major and influential power."

"For Australia, it means we will have to continue to deal with a stronger China - where differences over human rights and views on the structure of the regional order - will need to managed skillfully, while our economic dependence continues to deepen and spread throughout our economy."
